Using the 14th Now To Save American Democracy from Surrender – THE ENGLISH CODE

Using the 14th Now To Save American Democracy from Surrender – THE ENGLISH CODE

I just asked CHAT GTP if America will still be a democracy in 2028. 

Go ahead. Try it yourself.

It’s not guaranteed that America will remain a functioning democracy in 2028, but it is still within the realm of possibility if the country takes steps to address its most pressing challenges.

“CHAT GTP” 11/16/24


Norm Ornstein has encouraged me top keep fighting. But there’s only so much an online merchant can do.  I go back to 1968 with Donnie – Wharton and AC NJ.  This cannot end well. There is no going back once we give Trump and gang the guns aka control of military.

From: Joseph Aronesty
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 9:10 AM
To: Norman J. Ornstein

Political Science 11/18/24

Saying the quiet part in my thoughts to someone who can make a last plea up top easier than I . 

Creative military tactics are born inside the imaginations of men dedicated to defend their homeland. Putin was creative. Trump was right. We are stupid. Stupid to let him assume power. But also stupid we let him run for POTUS again. 

J6 was a present.  We did not prosecute fully Trump or use the 14th to disqualify him or anyone in the GOP. Things are changing this week and can change more, if we make a plan . I feel the war thing being amplified.

Our survival was made easier by Biden koshering our missiles to hit Russia, if he uses that right now as a prelude. Biden now has an excuse to declare we have entered a state of ( cold ) war with Russia over Ukraine’s fate. 

He said over my dead body once in the campaign.  Well, its time to mean it, or mean something.  Not just watch as this cancer takes our country. 

Once Biden says we are in a state of war, our president has the right and duty to say something along these lines: 

“We are not going to turn our military efforts over to a man who could not say if Ukraine should win the war and stay a free country.  I won’t do it for the sake of all the soldiers, including my son Beau, who gave their lives to keep it the America we all want it to be. I have our military leaders and intelligence with me on this. ( He’d better have that support or they are with Trump and Putin and then it is really over. ) 

I am using the 14th amendment, section 3 to defend our country in this cold war, which is also a cyber war. He reads it aloud to the public and on Fox news too*. ( This should resemble FDR’s I hate war speech. )

This gives me the power to unseat any congresspeople or members of the judiciary who have aided or comforted our enemies in this current war. ( He unseats MTG and GOSAR and enough to make speaker Johnson not the majority immediately. Step 1) 

Those enemies include those who have aided or comforted insurrectionists or our enemies in dictatorships. You know who you are. If you try to stop us from prevailing in this war to defend Ukraine, you will be hurting our current military efforts, and we cannot allow that. I have asked to Putin and Zelensky negotiate a peace deal now. I want an end to all this needless bloodshed now. ( Maybe he can get dirt on Trump leaked in a peace deal that Putin likes a bit. Putin makes tapes. )

This is our “we surrender to Putin” moment.  I may have to stop trying and go silent if we let this happen. You guys are going to have to hide or be quiet. They are not messing around, and we are. 


Trump’s turning the country over to our worst people on purpose. Putin started this war in 2016.  We must recognize we are at war.  I said it eight years ago.  You feel it in your bones.  This is a rerun for us. We remember what our parents were like who lived through this.  Our kids and their kids,  do not. 

But also, we are up against a man who has done this before, and knows the ropes. There was a Russo-Republican Alliance in 2016.  Biden is letting this happen and he does not have to. He has the powers now. Not after J20.  

He can call it a crisis. It is. Tell the people we are not going to surrender to Putin. Americans on both sides will have his back. 

We must test some balloons right now. These are like the days before the Cuban missile crisis.  A standoff and peace deal with Russia is the best outcome, before January 5th too. But Biden must say we are at war. – Cold war. Cyber war. But at war with Putin’s Russia. When Trump blabs about he will make peace, he is in violation of war standards. Act on it, like our dad’s generation did in WW2.

Maybe Biden should negotiate a peace and get release of dirt on Trump. Quietly but for a little better deal for Putin. It’s okay. Time and pressure and whatever Russia gains in the Donbass, it will come back.  

Trump said we were very stupid people. He will be right of we do not stop him. The 14th was put there for this. J6 a match made in democracy heaven.  The more they fight, the more we unseat them for siding with insurrectionists during a war.  And the more we keep releasing Jack Smith evidence. 

Jack Smith should actually make parts of his documents public now.  Biden should instigate it, and then pardon him.  These are the last days of a war with Russia. We will have surrendered if we do not prevent Trump from taking power. There is likely no going back for 30 years.  By then the planet is done. 

Or we can fight now. But not with these emails.  It is time for action.  Call for special elections for the unseated. Biden needs the military on his side. Not in the streets. But verbally.   We might as well fight this now while we have the power.  If Putin retaliates verbally or actually, there are more grounds.

You may have to freeze gas prices. WW2 stuff. Its okay. Its just words. 

*leave off the last sentence in the 14th when reading it aloud to the public, about 2/3 in congress may cure.  Its confusing even though it’s clear. GOP does not have 2/3 anyway.

Author: josephsword – Joseph Aronesty is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania 1967-1971. Published songwriter and father of 5 sons. Discovered that English letters are hieroglyphs for a Stone Age language code that began about 100,000 years ago in Africa, derived from the body/sign language we used as hunters. His book “Deciphering the English Code” conveys this in a way one can understand. He is also one of the world’s ground level e-commerce pioneers.
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