I just asked CHAT GTP if America will still be a functioning democracy in 2028. Go ahead. Try it yourself.
It’s not guaranteed that America will remain a perfectly functioning democracy in 2028, but it is still within the realm of possibility if the country takes steps to address its most pressing challenges.
“CHAT GTP” 11/16/24
Under the cover of the 2024 holiday season, we are witnessing the end game of the Russo-Republican Alliance play out and met with no resistance at all. Trump’s agenda has nothing to do with what America is about. His cabinet picks confirm that he is working to end America as we know it. There will be a ruling class, chosen oligarchs based on their loyalty, and there’s no better way to ensure loyalty than having dirt on your cabinet members.
Everyone else will be lower class. If citizens do not fawn over Trump or stay silent, I suspect they will be attacked by his loyal cabinet members. There will be a ruling class. That’s how it is in China and Russia. Dictators know that if our way of life is seen by their people, it will be harder for them to hold power. They wish the entire planet was one big autocratic, wild free-for-all. And they are getting their wish come true in Donald Trump if we do not stop him now. This election was more of an act of war we permitted to happen under our rules.
But not all our rules. We have one rule that Trump and most of his party members violated: the 14th Amendment. Many candidates and current congresspeople are constitutionally disqualified to hold office under the 14th Amendment for having aided or comforted insurrectionists. Some took part in the January 16th event. And while we have the power, we must use this tool, written into our constitution in the aftermath of the Civil War.
We have little time. So, it’s now or never. I’d like to see Biden actually defend this sacred democracy for the good of our people, our way of life and the planet. I do not think there is a way back. Or maybe it’s like a long shot bad gamble we would never take in real life.
Ask yourself this question: if your family was about to board a plane, and the pilot said the is a 5% chance the plane would go down, would you let your family board that plane? Ask CHAT GTP: do you think America will be a functioning democracy in 2028. I did. It suggests there’s a chance of it, if we act now. Russia is held for over twenty years. Hungary is taken and there seems to be no resistance to speak of. It is there. But it’s unspoken. People are survivalists.
This strategy needs to get to journalists and TV news media. They can reach the most people quickly. They are the ones that can instigate a need to act now or a need to accept this defeat. Right now, they are broadcasting submission. Fox News instigates their people to feel like they are under attack though they are not. We can instigate people to defend our country when we are under attack.
Since Russia if you’re listening, I have been confident Trump made a deal with Putin for election help. We did not need Mueller’s report to know that. We saw plenty of election help all three elections, on TV and SM. No Russian help, no president Trump.
Russian election help was not free. It came in return for at least two things: removal of economic sanctions from Russia, and lifetime loyalty to Putin. No one does business with Vladimir Putin and then turns his back on him. Ask Prigozhin. Oh,we can’t.
We all think there is some chance this last election was different than all the others. I am going to say the quiet part out very loud now. It is. We’ve had plenty of scoundrel presidents before . But we have never had a president potentially indebted for life to the dictator of an enemy state with which we are engaged in a live war. That feels like treason to me. I can’t prove that. But my father’s generation would have considered this treason. They executed the Rosenbergs for far less. It should be treason to coddle to an enemy country with whom we are engaged in a live war – albeit through Ukraine. But we do not need it to be treason; we have the 14th, sec 3 .
What I can prove is something every American has seen, January 6th. Donald Trump called a mob to Washington DC broadcasting “it would be wild”. There was an attempt to stop the election process, which included breaking into the Capitol and attacking officers, threatening the vice-president and congresspeople – and people ending up dead.
Trump did not even try immediately call it off. He said maybe Pence had it coming in so much words. This was an attempt at insurrection, and we watched on live on TV. You don’t have to know how gravity works to know if you drop a ball, it will fall. That act forever made Donald Trump constitutionally unqualified to serve in any government office.
The 14th Amendment, sec 3, declares that no one may hold any office in our government, state, federal, judicial or military having been party to an insurrection, or having aided or given comfort to insurrectionists or the enemies of our country. It is our constitutional right, and the current president’s sworn constitutional duty, to not allow many of the current GOP to hold office.
We have powers if we are not afraid to use them. And I for one, prefer to fight while we have weapons. These nation destroyers are ready to take women’s rights away. Do you think they will care about silencing dissent after we give them real power over us all? They will not! When Trump said he was running against very stupid people, he was right. It is us, if we ignore the 14th and let this happen.
Donald Trump has done all three of those constitutionally forbidden things. He was party to an attempt to an insurrection attempt; he was its organizer. He was the Osama Bid Laden of the 911 attack; not on the plane, but masterminding it all with help from allies, foreign and domestic. He has aided others who were part of the insurrection. He has given comfort to convicted insurrectionists. He sang with them. It is no wonder Trump wants to pardon them all. In his mind, that gets him out of a constitutional disqualification. It does not. We all saw what went down that day.
So why are we afraid to simply not allow him to be president stating he was never qualified? Our current executive office can do that. But no one is currently asking Joe Biden to do this. It’s as if we the people are afraid to win this war, when it is possible only now, while we have the power. And it will not be easy after we cede power to this gang on J20. Putin has held Russia for over twenty years. Hungary is not longer a democracy. I sincerely fear this is a total surrender to Russia. I see it on the faces of many of our best and brightest newscasters.
To accomplish not allowing Trump to be president via #ENFORCINGTHE14th we need large public support for this idea now folks. This is not the time to get all holiday happy. Never mind the cries from the MAGA people that we would be stopping the peaceful transfer of power. We can do this without a mob or violence, but with our constitution fully backing us. And also, after these cabinet picks, I dare say Trump tipped his hand and has lost about 10% of his support already. I think most Americans would be relieved. There is even a chance it will be cheered on by both sides provided we demand a new special election with no disqualified candidates. An April election, with two fresh faces would be cheered on right now. I am sure of it. 75% of Americans wanted neither Biden nor Trump. And to many, Harris was Biden.
To accomplish saving our country from this defeat, we need to do some things now, as CHAT GTP suggested.
First. We’ll need public support for enforcing the 14th, sec 3 now. That’s why I am submitting this to newspapers and media people. Pressure must be put on Biden, Harris and the Democratic Party leaders. They represent us. If we the people have surrendered to Trump and his allies and/or are “tired” ( which I fear the most ) they have no impetus to push for this.
Second. We cannot be afraid of our SCOTUS. Some part of me knew, in Helsinki 2017, that the importance of a Supreme Court majority was well understood by Putin. ( He owns his courts and Donald admires that. ) Donald is not a student of history and I feel Putin passed on advice on how to take a country to the GOP and Trump. The Helsinki translator notes Trump ripped up was a big tell. Trump quickly got three justices on his side – preparing for what we have seen evolve.
That court majority served like a move made early in a chess game that seals the fate of the opposing king. The brains behind all this is not Trump. He was intentionally not educated in affairs of state because fighting government in business was what he learned from his father growing up.
However, if justices are on Trump’s side, they are also aiding an insurrectionist and subject to disqualification. That is the attitude we must have. We need not fear the SCOTUS. The 14th does not say SCOTUS members are immune. It says no one shall hold any office under the United States if they even comforted insurrectionists or enemies to our country.
Clarence Thomas lives with a known insurrection planner. He comforts her every day. He will need to be told he will also be unseated via the 14th if he objects to the current administration using the 14th to remove insurrection comforters from our government. Thomas is just one man. This is easy. No one needs to get hurt. The Sargent-of-arms locks his files and removes them from his office, Biden nominates a new justice, our senate majority confirms, done.
First to be unseated should be some of the worst 14th offenders in the House, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Mo Brooks. Unseat until dems have the majority and we have a dem speaker. It is all constitutional. If SCOTUS objects, we start unseating them. That’s the war plan to defend our country before we turn the guns over to Donald Trump.
I realize this should have been done before the election. But it is not our fault the GOP ran constitutionally unqualified candidates, is it? I also wonder if Harris might be more inclined to use this tactic than Joe Biden, fully stating she does not intend to assume the presidency without new special elections, and therefore making a path for Biden to resign now. She can appoint a new AG. Garland was and is still a wimp against our enemies. He knows it too. We don’t need Joe to be sleepy now. Sorry to sound cute or cruel; not intended. But I have long thought Donald used the word sleepy to define Biden in his mind as one who would not fight him back. Biden’s agenda was not sleepy; his prosecution of the traitors to our government was.
Third, we must openly discuss and prepare for the possibility a national divorce.
The governors of Blue States could refuse to accept an insurrectionist as their president claiming the 14th does not allow insurrection supporters to serve. We could split into two American tactically allied countries, bound by trade and travel agreements both protected by one military. This is the fast way back to a United States if we cannot stop Trump from becoming POTUS again. Red states rely more and the blue states than vice-versa. Their people will come crying back in a few years. We cannot be afraid of advancing this concept and feel forced to accept the craziness of another four years of Trumpism. And there is no telling it will just be four years.
Imagine if America was two allied countries, each with its own national government, Congress, House, President with cabinet and Judiciary. The rules for the cooperation between the Blue America and Red America are set in a binding agreement which stipulates, among other things, that travel and trade between the Red and Blue states, is free for all citizens in either state. And there are no interstate taxes permitted. Nothing changes on local levels. But, the states get a larger share of income tax of course. That will end the red states feeding of the blue states, and then feeling indignant about the blue states liberalism. If red states want to not allow abortions, its fine for them. The people can move if they don’t like it. No travel restrictions. One country with two sets of rules, both protected by the same military.
We need to know what the DOD thinks about this, now. They might be okay with defending both nations and letting people who are conservative in nature have their space, while progressive states have theirs.
Your job is to reach out to your representatives next chance you get, and tell him or her that you want to #ENFORCETHE14THNOW.
About me: I am Joseph Aronesty, 76 year-old internet pioneer. In 1968, I was a classmate to Donald Trump at Wharton School. My hometown was Margate NJ, outside of Atlantic City. I was a boardwalk jeweler from 1980 to 1999 . I got to know Donnie better in AC.
I knew his authoritarian self was what he would become because I understood selling, and could see that was Trump was only interested in selling people and having a good time in life. When he hired Bill Barr, he repeated that good times mantra at the Rose Garden. Something along the lines of “here’s to a nice life, Bill Barr.”
He also was enamored, or even jealous of Putin since the Miss World contests, because Putin ran his country the way Trump ran his businesses. Donald has never cared about other people unless it accrued to his benefit. That’s not a good fit for giving any man power over people. I had hoped he would change or evolve, and wrote but from his cabinet picks, change is coming, but for the worse.
Do you know Hitler had 20% less support when he took power than Trump has now. Sixty days later, German Storm Troopers were rounding up Jews and 80% of the economy was working on the war effort.
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