SYRIAN GENOCIDE: Witnesses Recount Gruesome “Alawite-Hunting Safari” – “They Called for Jihad in their Mosques” | The Gateway Pundit

SYRIAN GENOCIDE: Witnesses Recount Gruesome "Alawite-Hunting Safari” - "They Called for Jihad in their Mosques" | The Gateway Pundit


Harrowing testimony is emerging from Syria after a week of massacres and ethnic cleansing committed by Islamist militias against all those they consider infidels, mainly the Alawite community to which former dictator Bashar al-Assad belonged. Over 6000 foreign fighters were involved in the massacre, one witness claimed.


More than 6000 fighters from Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Uyghur and other countries were involved in the attacks on the coastal cities of Baniyas, Tartus, Jableh, and Lattakia, a witness wrote to Pamela Geller:

I want to tell my story to the world hoping that this will help bring the JIHAD criminals to justice and save the Massacre survivors. The killing is still going on.

The killing started from day one when HTS ( a group of ISIS) lead by Al Jolani ( now rebranded as Al Sharaa) took control of Syria after the fall of Assad’s regime on 12/8/2024. Killing escalated at the beginning of Mrach 2025 and got worse when they called in their mosques for JIHAD against all Alawites asking to kill all of them. More than 6000 fighters (a mix of Syrians, Arabs and fighters from Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Uyghur and other countries) attacked the coastal cities of Baniyas, Tartus, Jableh, Lattakia and surrounding villages.

I lost my father and more than 25 of my relatives in the city of Baniyas and my village Barmaia.

In Baniyas, they were knocking on doors and asking a single question: Are you Alawites? and if the answer is YES they kill everyone in the house, steal whatever they can carry and sometimes burn the house. They threw dead bodies in the sea and then washed the streets and then they called ALJAZEERA news channel (well known with it’s connections to Jihadist groups) to make a report that everything is OK.

My dad, was an 85 years old retired accountant, lived in our house at the village with my bed ridden mother who has dementia and depends completely on my dad for her feeding, medicines and personal care . They broke in and shot him in the head with no questions asked. They broke everything that they can break and left his dead body next to my mother.

For more than 48 hours they did not allow my brother and cousins to reach the house (they put a sniper in front of our house) to bury my dad and to give my mother food and medicines. She almost died.
They killed my auntie’s husband, who was also in his late 80’s, in front of her few minutes later.
They burned all the empty houses where people left for their lives.

My siblings and a lot of people are still hiding and sleeping in the woods. They told people that it is safe to go back home, and when they came back they killed them.

When a UN committee visited the area, they were lead by HTS and they took them to the villages that they did not attack yet after they threatened those villages to be exterminated if they say anything.

Russia Today (RT) correspondent Elizabeth Blade spoke to people with relatives in the area, recounting the brutality inflicted upon the Alawite community:

It all started on March 6, when we heard shooting and the authorities imposed a curfew. In the morning of March 7, we got in touch with all our family members on our WhatsApp family chat. My brother living in Latakia warned everyone not to leave their houses. And that was the last time we have heard from him”, said a witness Blade calles Marwa (not her real name).

“Marwa says that after he stopped answering messages, they sent another brother – who lived nearby – to check on him. But when he reached his place, he discovered a dead body, with multiple bullets scattered on the ground. Out of grief and frustration, the brother went out to the street and started shouting at armed men he found in the neighborhood, accusing them of his sibling’s death, a mistake that cost him his life,” RT reports.

Marwa said people were terrified to be associated with the Alawite sect, preventing them from holding funerals: “I have heard it from at least fifty people. Those gangs would knock on the door and ask residents whether they were Sunni or Alawite. The latter had no chance to survive”.

Marwa claims that Syrian strongman Al Sharaa’s gangs also engaged in robbery; arson and devastation. “Hundreds of people from my surroundings were so terrified to stay at home that they opted to seek refuge in the forest or the mountains. Many of them spent their nights there, without food and water, with their only hope being to survive the ethnic cleansing,” she said.

Another witness going by the name Isabella called it an “Alawite-hunting safari”.

“Some villages near Hmaymeim airport have lost all their men – young and old – who have been assassinated in cold blood. They killed children and women – no distinction – inside their homes, markets, fields and streets. Bodies have been seen everywhere – on the streets and the valleys”.

In the beginning, HTS terrorists posted large numbers of videos documenting their own crimes and seeming to enjoy the slaughter; however, when international reactions began, commanders began instructing their killers not to film their atrocities.

“The Al Sharaa administration announced the formation of an independent fact-finding committee to investigate the killings”, RT reports. “Yasser Farhan, the committee’s spokesperson, emphasized that “no one is above the law” and pledged to arrest and prosecute those responsible.”

Witness Marwa pointed out the government “was originally the sponsor of those factions and their atrocities” and is not likely to fully investigate the massacres.

“The gangs of (terrorist leader) Al Sharaa changed the clothes on some of those victims, dressing them up in uniforms to show the UN delegations and the Al Jazeera crews that they were fighting armed rebels. The bodies of others were buried to conceal evidence”.

“UN employees, who visited some of the villages were accompanied by Al Sharaa militants who chose where to take them, and who they could speak to. Before the arrival of the UN staff, villagers were offered packs of bread. Some were given money to change testimony, others threatened with torture and death if they dared to speak the truth”.

American pundit Pamela Geller posted testimony by a massacre survivor named Bara’a, who lost her husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law in a brutal attack:

I am Bara’a, the wife of Bashr Abdul Latif Ali, and I am a witness to a massacre against humanity.

Yesterday, around 7 PM, a group of armed men knocked on the door of my father-in-law’s house.
They were part of the forces that entered Jableh to “cleanse” it from what they called the remnants of the regime. My father-in-law opened the door and welcomed them, saying, “We are with you, and we want stability to return to Jableh.”

They asked:
“What’s your name?”
“Abdul Latif Ali. This is my son Bashr, and this is Majd.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I’m a retired civilian employee. Bashr is a doctor, and Majd is a civilian employee.”
“Are you from Jableh?”
“So, you’re Sunni?”
“No, we’re Alawite.”

One of the gunmen came up to me and said, “Give me your phone and your gold,” and he told my mother-in-law the same thing. We gave them our phones and told them we didn’t have any gold.

My daughter was in my arms, crying. One of the gunmen looked at her and said, “Don’t cry, uncle.” Then, they told my father-in-law and the men, “Come outside,” and told us women to stay inside.

My daughter clung to her father, crying, “Baba, don’t go.” The same gunman who spoke to her earlier reassured her, “Don’t cry, uncle. Your father will stay inside.” Then, they took Majd and my father-in-law outside, while Bashar went to the sink to wash his face.

The bastard who stole our phones came back in and asked, “Where’s the guy who was just here?” Then, he ordered, “Come out.”

They took him outside and shot him in the chest, right at the doorstep.

I ran out and saw Majd had also been killed, his body lying at the outer gate.

I held Bashr’s hand as he groaned in pain. “Don’t close your eyes, my love,” | begged him. “I’m going to find a car to take you to the hospital. Just keep your eyes open.”

Then, the bastard who shot him came back and screamed at me, “Shut up and go inside before I make you next.”

He stormed into the house again. My daughter clung to me, pulling my hand and pleading,

“Mama, let’s go. I don’t want you to die like Baba.”

I picked her up and ran inside, then escaped through the back door to my home on the second floor. From there, I climbed to the rooftop, afraid he would come after me.

Then, I heard his voice in the street, yelling at my mother-in-law, who had collapsed, wailing and screaming. He told her to shut up. She shouted back, “I won’t shut up, shoot me!” She wandered up and down the pavement, calling out, “They killed my sons! Majd! Bashr! Answer me!”

She didn’t even know they had also killed my father-in-law-until she tripped over his body on the sidewalk. He had been shot in the head.

They killed all three of them.

I hid in the kitchen storage room with my daughter all night, terrified they would come back. They kept returning to loot the homes of the people they had murdered.

My mother-in-law stayed in the street for three hours, crying and begging the neighbors to help bring the bodies inside, but no one dared open their windows.

Finally, our neighbor Ammar, after making sure the killers had left, came down and helped her drag the bodies inside.

My love, Bashr. Majd. My father-in-law, Abdul Latif. They became corpses.
Three innocent souls who never harmed anyone.
The whole world knows who killed them.
My heart is broken, but I won’t let your story die with you.
I will tell the world about you-how you lived and how you were murdered.

Greek City Times recounted the story of 48-year-old Johnny S., a Greek Orthodox Christian from Latakia, who had been confined to his homes since the atrocities began March 6.

“Since then, he has only been out to get water and food, and the electricity has been out for about a week. But on Monday, he had to leave his home for a very important reason: to collect the bodies of his relatives with the help of some friends and bury them,” Greek City Times reports.

“His 55-year-old cousin, Tony, was leaving with his 20-year-old son, Fadi, from a village outside the city of Latakia when an armed group stopped them and shot at them. Johnny could not go immediately – the risk was too great – but on Monday he and his friends found a closed van and managed to take the bodies of his relatives and transport them to Latakia,” the report states.

Johnny’s girlfriend’s brother, who was also Orthodox, was murdered in another village, he told Greek City Times.

“They are targeting all minorities,” he said. “We live in fear, we are in danger and we miss even the simplest things.”

“I am a proud Greek Orthodox and I will not renounce my identity even if it means death,” Eli H., a 26-year-old engineer who lives in Marmarita, a Christian village in northwestern Syria, told Greek City Times.

“All of us here fear that the latest show of violence on the Syrian coast, where so many Alawites and Rum were executed, will spread here, to the provinces of Homs and Hama,” he said, adding that “this is genocide.”

“Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has taken all our weapons,” Elie said. He and Johnny S. told Greek City Times they want to leave Syria, But there is no safe way out: “Europe is no longer accepting refugees, and it is almost impossible to get a work visa for the United States, Canada or Europe,” Elie says. “It’s like we are prisoners here,” he says, “we exist only to suffer.”


Speaking to Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, Syrian political observer Kevork Almassian noted that U.S. regime change efforts in Syria date back to Barack Obama’s “Operation Timber Sycamore”:

“In 2011 Barack Obama put his signature on a covert operation by the CIA to destabilize and remove Assad from power. And therefore he funneled around $1 billion per year in order to train and arm an army of Takfiris (radical Islamic terrorists who attack other Muslims) – the Takfiris belong to the al-Qaeda ideology – basically in order to oust Assad. Now, after 14 years of this operation, Assad fled and, ironically enough, the founder of al-Qaeda in Syria, Abu Muhammad al-Jolani, has become the President of Syria. … A few years ago, when we used to say that if Assad is gone, then Al-Qaeda will come to power, they used to say, this is an Assadist talking point, this is a conspiracy theory  – well, it happened now.”

“The question is who gave them all these weapons, who gave them the training, who gave them the pickup trucks and who supported them financially, because every soldier in this Al-Qaeda Army receives $1,000 per month. Who is paying $1,000 per month for 40,000 terrorists in Syria? It’s Qatar and Turkey. This is happening with the blessing of Washington,” Almassian said.


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