Jimmy Fallon Proves Trump Still Needs Education Department With Sharp One-Liner

Jimmy Fallon Proves Trump Still Needs Education Department With Sharp One-Liner

The department this week announced the dismissal of at least 1,300 employees, reducing its workforce by about half since Trump’s second term began.

“Trump just announced he’s firing 50% of the Department of Education,” the “Tonight Show” host said. “Even worse, Trump said, ’Don’t worry, the other 60% will still have jobs.’”

Arithmetic wasn’t the president’s only problem in the comedian’s monologue. Trump’s new alphabet song imagined by Fallon might not catch on with youngsters.

“ABCD, ELON, ME. TARIFFS, JK, T-R-U-M-P,” it begins.

Check out the rest of the song below in Fallon’s lesson on Trump’s education moves, beginning at 1:24:

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